Kukkula Wines
Night North Elevation Perspec

kukku­la is
a beau­ti­ful, tran­quil, cere­bral place

We are organ­ic dry Farmers

If we main­tain this dis­ci­pline, farm organ­i­cal­ly and with­out irri­ga­tion, we will cre­ate wines of intense aro­mat­ics, fla­vors, and col­or, that are a true expres­sion of place, and the essence of their terroir.

Discover Our Story

IMG 1499
IMG 1260 2


IMG 3753 2

“Alas, the kukkula estate is a stunning one to visit, and it’s clear that the owner views himself as a steward of this special site.”

R.H. Drexel, The Wine Advocate

Visit the tasting room

Wine Clubs

IMG 6789

Enjoy pri­or­i­ty access lim­it­ed, pre-release and library wines, as well as a 15 to 25% dis­count on all wines.

All Mem­bers’ Reserve Tast­ing fees are waived, and non-Reserve tast­ings are complimentary.

Explore our clubs