Kukkula Wines
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I’d sell my house and live in a shack before I give up my kukku­la wineclub! — John S., mem­ber since Jan­u­ary 2014

Details & Benefits

Upon join­ing either club, you will be sent the cur­rent wine club selec­tion and your cred­it card will be charged for the wine and ship­ping. If you’d like to pick up the wines, just let us know.

You may can­cel your mem­ber­ship any time after a year, or two wine club ship­ments. Can­cel­la­tions must hap­pen a min­i­mum of 30 days before the next ship­ment. If you receive few­er than two ship­ments, you may be billed for the dif­fer­ence between the full cost and club cost of the wines already purchased.

  • Kukkula Club

    As a mem­ber of the kukku­la club, you will receive a min­i­mum of 12 bot­tles of red wine per year. You will receive two ship­ments of 6 bot­tles each, sent in April and October/​November. For each ship­ment, Kevin (the wine­mak­er) will pick your 6 bot­tles. Your ben­e­fits as a kukku­la club mem­ber include:

    • A 15% discount on all wine and kukkula branded purchases
    • Exclusive invitations to members-only events
    • Members’ Reserve Tasting fees are waived (2-bottle minimum purchase still applicable)
    • Priority access to purchase first any limited releases, pre-releases, and library wines.
    • Free non-Reserve tastings for you and up to two guests in our tasting room

    Join the Club

  • Next Level Club

    As a mem­ber of the next lev­el club, you will receive 24 bot­tles of red wine per year. You will receive two ship­ments of 12 bot­tles each, sent in April and Octo­ber. For each ship­ment, you can pick the 12 bot­tles, or default to Kev­in’s Picks. Your ben­e­fits as a Next Lev­el mem­ber include:

    • A 25% discount on all wine and kukkula branded purchases
    • Exclusive invitations to members-only events
    • Members’ Reserve Tasting fees are waived (2-bottle minimum purchase still applicable)
    • Priority access to purchase first any limited releases, pre-releases, and library wines. Free non-Reserve tastings for you and up to four guests in our tasting room

    Join the Club

  • suomen klubi

    We are excit­ed to offer you an exclu­sive oppor­tu­ni­ty to pur­chase kukku­la wines in Fin­land. Twice each year we will be releas­ing (typ­i­cal­ly) four wines, which you will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to purchase.

    • Exclusive access to new releases and library wines.
    • Invitations periodically to attend tastings/dinners/events when we’re in Finland.
    • Free tastings (limited to 6 tastings per visit) when you visit our vineyard and tasting room in California.

    Learn More

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