Kukkula Wines

suomen klubi

We are excit­ed to offer you an exclu­sive oppor­tu­ni­ty to pur­chase kukku­la wines in Fin­land.

Although we have had dis­tri­b­u­tion in Fin­land since 2019, deliv­er­ing wines to our tar­get audi­ence proved dif­fi­cult through Alko. Kevin has become a fre­quent trav­el­er there doing many pri­vate tast­ings, and it’s these expe­ri­ences that have led us to switch gears.

In the fall of 2024, we came to an agree­ment with an agent in Fin­land to rep­re­sent us, which will open the door to doing more pri­vate tastings/​events and sell our wines direct­ly to cus­tomers. Exact­ly what we do in the States!

The basic for­mat is like mem­ber­ship in the States. Twice each year, around Feb­ru­ary and August, we will be releas­ing (typ­i­cal­ly) four wines, which you will have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to pur­chase. You will receive an email from us detail­ing the wines being released, and you can choose as many or as few wines from the offer­ing as you would like (sub­ject to avail­able inven­to­ry). All it takes to become a mem­ber is to com­mit to a min­i­mum of 6 bot­tles of the wines being released, on your first order. It’s that simple!

Ben­e­fits of mem­ber­ship are:

  • exclu­sive access to new releas­es and library wines. Many of our wines are only avail­able to those who are kukku­la club mem­bers in the U.S.
  • invi­ta­tions peri­od­i­cal­ly to attend tastings/​dinners/​events when we’re in Finland.
  • free tast­ings (lim­it­ed to 6 tast­ings per vis­it) when you vis­it our vine­yard and tast­ing room in Paso Rob­les, (mid­way between Los Ange­les and San Fran­cis­co) on the Cen­tral Coast of California. 

You will be giv­en a few weeks to decide what you’d like to pur­chase after the release let­ter is sent out. You can expect that the deliv­ery time will be around ten weeks after the clos­ing date.All wine will be deliv­ered to Viinikel­lari, who will then ship direct­ly to your address of choice. 

The cost quot­ed for the wines on the release let­ter will be inclu­sive of all tax­es and duties. The only addi­tion­al cost will be the ship­ping charged by Viinikel­lari to your desired address. Typ­i­cal­ly this is around 12.90€ for up to 48 bot­tles in the greater Helsin­ki area (Van­taa and Espoo includ­ed). To see ship­ping for all of Fin­land, click here

For our fans in Fin­land, those who haven’t had our wines but are inter­est­ed, or for all our sup­port­ers here in the States who would like to make our wines avail­able to fam­i­ly and friends in Finland,

Join The Club

We look for­ward to meet­ing many of you on our trav­els to Fin­land in the near future!

Parhain viiniter­veisin,
Kevin Jus­si­la