Kukkula Wines

November 1, 2017

2014 noir - 91 pts from Vinous

Bright pur­ple. Smoke-tinged black and blue fruit, vanil­la and licorice aro­mas, along with a hint of exot­ic Indi­an spices. Palate-coat­ing cher­ry, black cur­rant and spice­cake fla­vors are lift­ed and sharp­ened by a spine of juicy acid­i­ty. Gains flesh and weight with air while retain­ing ener­gy, and fin­ish­es gen­tly sweet and impres­sive­ly long, dis­play­ing an echo of cher­ry liqueur and smooth, slow-build­ing tannins.

Josh Raynolds, Vinous

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