Kukkula Wines

November 1, 2017

2014 sisu - 92 pts from Vinous

Sat­u­rat­ed ruby. High­ly per­fumed blue fruit, flo­ral pastille and cola aro­mas are com­ple­ment­ed by sug­ges­tions of cracked pep­per and licorice. Sup­ple and broad on the palate, offer­ing con­cen­trat­ed boy­sen­ber­ry and bit­ter cher­ry fla­vors that become sweet­er as the wine opens up. Fin­ish­es impres­sive­ly long and smooth, dis­play­ing lin­ger­ing dark berry and flo­ral nuances, gen­tle tan­nins and a touch of pep­pery spices.

Josh Raynolds, Vinous

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