Kukkula Wines

June 1, 2018

2015 Aatto - 93 pts from Wine & Spirits

Kevin Jus­si­la was a home wine­mak­er when he pur­chased an 80-acre Paso Rob­les wal­nut orchard in 2003. He has since plant­ed close to 50 acres of vines, which he farms under organ­ics, with­out irri­ga­tion. He fer­ments his wines with­out added yeasts and cre­ates some unusu­al blends, like this one, which com­bines counoise, mourve­dre and grenache in a mus­cu­lar, lean and deli­cious­ly red fruit­ed wine. It has Paso’s effu­sive ripeness, but it’s tem­pered by a lean, min­er­al-inflect­ed tan­nic struc­ture that sus­tains and focus­es the fla­vors. Decant a bot­tle for slow-braised pork shanks.

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