Kukkula Wines

September 1, 2018

2015 sisu - 93 pts from Vinous

Opaque ruby. Pow­er­ful, min­er­al-accent­ed black rasp­ber­ry and boy­sen­ber­ry aro­mas are com­ple­ment­ed by sug­ges­tions of incense, licorice pastille and pun­gent flow­ers. Seam­less, sweet and impres­sive­ly con­cen­trat­ed, offer­ing intense red/​dark berry liqueur and flo­ral pastille fla­vors that are sharp­ened by a jolt of pep­pery spices. Rich yet impres­sive­ly live­ly in char­ac­ter, fin­ish­ing with out­stand­ing clar­i­ty, delin­eation and fine-grained tan­nins that sneak in late.

Josh Raynolds, Vinous

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