Kukkula Wines

December 1, 2020

2017 Aatto - 94 pts from Vinous

Glis­ten­ing red. High­ly per­fumed red fruit, pot­pour­ri and bak­ing spice aro­mas show impres­sive vivac­i­ty and take on a suc­cu­lent herb nuance with air. Juicy, allur­ing­ly sweet and pre­cise, offer­ing palate-caress­ing rasp­ber­ry, blue­ber­ry and flo­ral pastille fla­vors and a hint of spice-cake. Clos­es very long and seam­less, dis­play­ing sharp focus, even tan­nins and strong, flo­ral-dri­ven per­sis­tence. There’s 15.4% alco­hol here, but you’d nev­er know it, or at least I did­n’t. 94 pts

Josh Raynolds, Vinous

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