Kukkula Wines

December 1, 2020

2017 kaamos - 93 pts from Vinous

Opaque ruby. Pow­er­ful black/​blue fruit, pot­pour­ri, licorice and dark choco­late aro­mas are ener­gized by sug­ges­tions of bak­ing spices and smoky min­er­als. Sap­py and ener­getic in style, offer­ing intense black cur­rant, boy­sen­ber­ry and bit­ter cher­ry fla­vors that deep­en and turn sweet­er with air. Shows fine def­i­n­i­tion on the spice-tinged fin­ish, which fea­tures well-knit tan­nins and res­onat­ing flo­ral and blue fruit notes.

Josh Raynolds, Vinous

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