Kukkula Wines

March 1, 2020

2017 sisu - 92 pts from Wine Enthusiast

Ele­gant­ly lay­ered aro­mas of vio­let and rose petals pair with rich­er boy­sen­ber­ry on the nose of this blend of 42% Syrah, 30% Grenache, and 28% Mourve­dre. Lift­ed acid­i­ty on the palate high­lights more boy­sen­ber­ry and elder­ber­ry fla­vors, as well as touch­es of roast­ed beef, lilac, and vio­let. It needs time to mel­low, so drink 2021 – 2032. Cel­lar Selection

Matt Kettmann, Wine Enthusiast

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