Kukkula Wines

May 1, 2023

2020 in the red - 92 pts from Vinous

The 2020 In the Red, a blend of 61% Syrah and 39% Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, is intense­ly per­fumed. Licorice notes accen­tu­ate pep­pery flo­rals and black rasp­ber­ry fruits. This is pure ele­gance, rich and sooth­ing, with cool­ing acid­i­ty and min­er­al tones that add a pleas­ant grip as tart wild berry fruits flow across the palate. A stain­ing of liq­uid flo­rals and bit­ter black­ber­ry lingers as the 2020 fin­ish­es with out­stand­ing length and spicy. 92 pts

Eric Gui­do from Vinous

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