Kukkula Wines

May 1, 2023

2020 kaamos - 93+ pts from Vinous

The 2020 Kaamos is per­fumed with a dusty blend of dried flow­ers, musky black fruits and fer­al earth tones. Ele­gant to the core, this impress­es with its round, pli­ant tex­tures con­trast­ed by zesty acid­i­ty and tart wild berry fruits. This remains a total plea­sure, fin­ish­ing with crisp black­ber­ry and a flour­ish of vio­let flo­rals. The Kaamos is a blend of 64% Petite Sir­ah, 18% Grenache and 18% Mourvèdre. 93+ pts

Eric Gui­do from Vinous

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