Kukkula Wines

January 31, 2024

2021 iso - 94 pts from Wine Advocate

The 2021 iso is a blend of 70% Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, 15% Syrah and 15% Petite Sir­ah. It has a pret­ty per­fume of blue­ber­ry, boy­sen­ber­ry and blood orange with accents of vio­let, iron and earth. The full-bod­ied palate fea­tures con­cen­trat­ed, flo­ral fruit, approach­able, grainy tan­nins and vibrant acid­i­ty that calls you in for anoth­er sip. It will ben­e­fit from 2 – 3 years in bot­tle. 94 pts

Erin Brooks/​Wine Advocate

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