Kukkula Wines

September 28, 2023

2021 noir - 95 pts from James Suckling

Such refine­ment here, start­ing on the nose with aro­mas of dark cher­ries, wild black­ber­ries, black pep­per, cedar, smoke and some stones. The medi­um- to full-bod­ied palate com­bines fine-grained tan­nins and a well-con­trolled struc­ture. It’s intense and focused, with the min­er­al char­ac­ter of the syrah min­gling with gen­er­ous pure fruit, lead­ing to a long, devel­op­ing fin­ish. 85% syrah and 15% petite sir­ah. Drink or hold. 95 pts

James Suck­ling

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