Kukkula Wines

January 31, 2024

2021 sisu - 94 pts from Wine Advocate

The 2021 Sisu is com­posed of 46% Syrah, 30% Mourvè­dre, 20% Grenache and 4% Petite Sir­ah. It has intense scents of red­cur­rant, iron, dried tobac­co, black tea leaves, under­brush and flo­ral notes. The medi­um-bod­ied palate offers restrained, min­er­al-dri­ven fruit, chalky tan­nins and mouth­wa­ter­ing acid­i­ty, and it has a long, spicy fin­ish. It will ben­e­fit from a few years’ evo­lu­tion in bot­tle. 94 pts

Erin Brooks/​Wine Advocate

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