Kukkula Wines

August 1, 2017

2014 - Jeb Dunnuck

These charm­ing, char­ac­ter filled releas­es are made by Kevin Jus­si­la, who pulls exclu­sive­ly from his estate, dry-farmed vine­yard locat­ed in the north­ern part of Paso Rob­les. The estate is pri­mar­i­ly Rhône vari­ety based, yet there are no hard and fast rules here and Kevin also releas­es Bor­deaux and Zin­fan­del blends that are well worth check­ing out. These all see the destem­mer, native fer­men­ta­tions, vary­ing lev­els of new bar­rels, and are bot­tled unfined and unfiltered.

Jeb Dun­nuck

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